Our mission is “to reach out to any person or persons in need, providing food clothing, hot bath, shelter and emotional support.”
Outreach Mission helps people turn their lives around by giving them hope and a desire for a better quality of life 365 days per year.
Our Office is Located at 705 Chatham street in Sanford, North Carolina, we are a “Low-Barrier” 24-hour 7 day a week emergency shelter.
Eligible participants must be currently HUD homeless by definition, i.e., people who are living in a place not meant for human habitation. Clients must be 18 or older, or accompanied by a parent or guardian if less than 18. Men’s shelter does not take children.
The Office opens at 8am and closes at 5pm week days, Shift supervisors are on duty 8am – 11pm nightly and weekends. Both shelters are equipped with an alarm system and cameras for security. Curfew is 10:00 pm each night and the alarms are set at 10:00 pm.
Postal Mail
PO Box 476
Sanford, NC 27331
Men's Shelter: 919-776-8474
Women's Shelter: 919-774-7112